Thursday, July 21, 2016

Day Four: Cat Day

This morning we started off by working on our collages a bit more and then we broke up into smaller groups and shared about the pets we all have. We also talked about the pets we dream of having some day, such as lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!). We then had snack and talked about how to approach an animal that you do not know.
Joann Nichols came by and started by talking to us about the humane trapping of animals and what animals we can find around the world. We took a little trip around the world and got to meet 3 animals from different continents. We met Rick, the African Pygmy Hedgehog. He was very curious about all of us and nuzzled up on many of us. We then met Franklin and Carmen, a tortoise and a turtle, respectively. Franklin was 46 pounds, weighing more than some of our campers! They were really cool to meet and we got some awesome pictures of Joann teaching us about her pets. Check out the great pictures below!
We then attempted to do Cat Socialization with the campers. This is when a few campers at a time get to say hello to cats and small animals. After about half of us visited these animals, they began to get overwhelmed. In order to keep everyone safe and happy, including the animals, we had to stop the visits for the day. Those that did not go at all today will get a chance tomorrow. Then it was time for pick up! We had a wonderful, animal-filled day and we're very lucky to be able to have seen that many animals. Looking forward to seeing you for our last day tomorrow!

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